Announcing Our Partnership with Microsoft for Startups

2 min read


We are excited to announce that our startup, Camped, has joined the Microsoft for Startups program through the Founders Hub program, enabling us to leverage advanced AI and cloud technologies to enhance our online learning platform.

As a Campus Experience Platform, Camped is committed to providing high-quality software to college, universities and schools. We believe that AI and cloud technologies can significantly enhance the learning experience for our users, and our partnership with Microsoft for Startups will allow us to achieve this goal.

Through the Founders Hub program, we have been accepted into the Microsoft for Startups program, which provides us with access to a range of resources, including:

Azure AI tools

We will have access to a suite of AI tools and services on the Azure platform, such as Azure Cognitive Services, which provides pre-built APIs for vision, speech, language, and search. This will enable us to develop and deploy AI-powered features that enhance the learning experience for our users.

Azure cloud infrastructure

The program provides us with access to Azure cloud infrastructure, which enables us to build a scalable, reliable, and secure online learning platform that can grow as our business grows.

AI community

We will become part of a vibrant community of AI startups and experts, which will provide us with valuable networking opportunities and potential collaborations.

At Camped, we are committed to providing a world-class learning experience to our users. With the support of the Microsoft for Startups program, we are confident that we will be able to achieve this goal. We are excited about the opportunities provided by the program and look forward to leveraging them to enhance our campus experience platform. If you like to learn more about our platform and how we are using AI and cloud technologies to help the campus experience, contact us for free demo